• 2018-04-16

კომპანია „აიფიემ კვლევები“ გთავაზობთ, 2017 წლის სტატისტიკურ მონაცემებს, ბიზნეს ინდუსტრიების მოთამაშე კომპანიების, მედია აქტივობის თაობაზე. ამჯერად, წარმოგიდგენთ, ნავთობკომპანიები...

  • 2018-04-14

IPM Researches offers statistic data of 2017 on the media activity of business industry players. This time the company presents significant aspects of pharmacy chains and their media coverag...


  • 2018-04-10

Georgians want German and American tourists the most to visit their country, while for Armenians the French are the most desired visitors. 1200 respondents from Georgia and Armenia answered the ...

  • 2018-04-04

IPM Researches offers statistic data of 2017 on the media activity of business industry companies. This time, we present markets and significant aspects of their media coverage. In 2017 ...


  • 2018-04-02

People in the age group of 35-44 shower the most often, 65 years old and older respondents shower most rarely. Showering is one of the most important activities in personal hygiene. We surveyed 50...

  • 2018-03-27

Company IPM Research offers statistic data of 2017 year on business industrial companies towards media means.This time we present beer producing companies and important aspects of their media act...


  • 2018-03-20

Placement of ads in radio becomes more and more attractive for any business company. Manyfactors precondition this trend including easy access to potential consumers. Radio is available athome, public...

  • 2018-03-19

Almost every second employed person (43%)works every day, including weekends. We asked 500 respondents about their employment situation and workload and found out what time people spend on work....


  • 2018-03-13

The companies conduct their advertising campaigns via various media means-TV shows or different social activities to promote their products and services. At the same time social networks hav...

  • 2018-03-11

Out of surveyed countriesAzerbaijani want to live in another country the least.Germany and USA are the most desiredcountries for Georgians. The results of the survey conducted in 4 countries show tha...