• 2017-04-24
There are more than 200 religions around the world. Perception of religion is individual for everyone and opinions are quite diverse. Some countries are not very religious, while others are totally dedicated on it. Team of IPM researchers investigated the importance of religion in Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia. In the scopes of the survey 700 respondents were surveyed in each country.
The study showed, that  for 84% of Georgian respondents, religion is an important part of everyday life. The indicator of religiousness is lower in Armenia and equals to 77%. In Azerbaijan the results are much lower than in Georgia and Armenia (35%)(view chart1). GTMRCIR1 eng
The importance of religion increases with age in Armenia and Azerbaijan. In case of Georgia the indicator doesn't vary with age. People with good financial condition and higher social status tend to be more religious in Azerbaijan, as for Georgia opposite results are observed. In case of Armenia no connection among religion, social status and financial condition was revealed.