• 2017-03-27
Facts of negative disposition towards immigrants are often covered in social media. IPM Research conducted a study to understand the real disposition of the population towards immigrants. The study captured 800 respondents from different regions of Georgia.
The respondents were asked the following questions: 1. What is your general attitude towards immigrants? 2. Would you have an immigrant friend? 3. Would you  marry an immigrant?
Based on obtained results an index was derived, taking meaning at 0 to 1, where 0 means extremely negative attitude and 1 means completely positive attitude.
The survey results showed, that general index equals to 0.41, which is lower than the average. The population was split in segments based on index - positively disposed, negatively disposed and neutral segments, view the chart.
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As it can be observed the biggest segment (48%) are neutrally disposed part of population. 

Proportion of negatively disposed segment is also rather big (35%) index almost equals to 0, which is a sign of extremely negative disposition.
The share of positively disposed segment is the smallest - 17%, major part of this segment is represented by the young city dwellers, while negatively disposed segment is mostly represented by the rural area dwellers over 55 years.