• 2018-04-30

Business companies plan advertising activity in the beginning of the year and then follow the plans and strategy exactly during the whole year. Every company has different strategy. According to Q1 2018 data in all 148 606 advertising rolls were broadcasted that is 24 513 less compared to the analogue period of last year. Chronometry of advertising rolls is also decreased. In Q1 2017 it was 3 659 376 seconds, while in Q1 2018 chronometry of advertising rolls amounted, 3 441 986 seconds. In spite of decreasing number and chronometry of advertising rolls, there is growth in investments. According to official price list USD 139 418 413 was spent in advertising in Q1 2018 that is USD 82 835 150 more compared to the analogue period of 2017. Here is share of advertising rolls according to TOP 10 sectors in Q1 2018.

TOP 10 sectors according to investments is also interesting. There are new sectors in TOP 10- communication, hospitality business and gambling.